I was listening to the radio yesterday and heard about a family in California who are not going to spend extraneous money for one month. They are walking, doing fun, free activities, no shopping. They stocked up on food and won’t even need to go to the grocery store. The parents are trying to teach their children that money doesn’t grow on trees.
I know money doesn’t grow on trees but I thought this would be interesting to do so I’ve decided to try my own version…..no shopping for anything but groceries, no spending money at restaurants (though I have a couple commitments I need to keep), no spending money on fun activities like movies, bowling, etc. I may have to make up some rules as I go but I’m going to give it a shot. I’ll have to seek out some free activities.
What does this have to do with midlife? Well, midlife is a time of change, a time to try things you’ve never done before…I’ve never put myself on a budget or actually tried to curb my spending. Don’t get me wrong – I’m very good with my money, when I choose to be.
I’m a storer, not a hoarder, I have full cupboards and a full freezer with food…comes from my mom’s time spent during the depression…though she was born after it! And I hate to run out of toilet paper and NEVER have!
No shopping, no movies, no coffee dates, no buying things for the house (unless the roof starts leaking!), no buying things for the dog and cats, nothing. It’ll be interesting to see if I can do it and if I can I’m taking all the money I saved and spending it on a dive vacation, YAY!
I’m going to start on Monday so I can give myself the weekend to go out and get all the things I’ll need.
Penniful for a month
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