The other day I overheard a partial conversation between two men. The older man (probably 60’s) was saying middle-aged women are mean. I didn’t hear anything else.
Later in the day, the younger man (late 50’s) told me about the conversation. I said “We’re not mean! We’re just not taking your crap anymore”. Yeah, that’s what he said too, was his reply.
Why does that make us mean? Do men think we’re still mad at our ex’s and are taking it out on them? Not every single, middle-aged woman is divorced and some of us wanted that divorce. Some women are widowed and some have never been married. We’re not mean, it’s more that we’re not catering to them. We’ve realized we’re human in our own right, we don’t have to make dinner, clean house, take care of the kids AND work.
I’m not mad or mean. Men just need to step up to the plate and be the kind of person I want to be around. I want a well-adjusted, confident, kind, self-sufficient man. Oops, our secret is blown!
I’m not mean
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I call it the “June Cleaver” syndrome with men around my age or older. They grew up being catered to and taken care of, as were their fathers, because that’s just the way it was done back then. Unfortunately, too many haven’t kept up with the times. What many fail to see is that self-sufficient, middle-aged, single (for whatever reason) women want a PARTNER. They need to understand that even if we have political differences, it isn’t the wife/partner/significant other’s duty to believe and vote as they do. They need to understand that they don’t get a free pass on household duties any longer, especially if the women work, and frankly, even if she doesn’t. They need to understand that it’s not our duty to dress up, “smile” (unless we want to), or do anything else they feel we must in order to make THEIR day better, unless we want to. The fact that we more often than not now demand respect doesn’t make us “mean” or “bitchy.” It just means we’re standing up for ourselves like, well, their guy friends would do.